Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Last Night

Last night, I was at the place to be. I was at Ryerson University, attending the launch of the 4th issue of AQSAzine. Never attended before I was kinda nervous, and then I remembered all the stuff I was doing for the event

Your's Truly was...
Moderating a discussion panel
Crackin' jokes
Entertaining and hitting on the guest ;)

"AQSAzine (est. 2007) is a Toronto-based grassroots arts collective by and for young women and trans people who self-identify as Muslim. Our main project is the creation of a bi-annual zine of our writing, art, activism entitled AQSAzine. This zine is a creative avenue for young Muslim women and trans people to express ourselves, share our experiences and connect with others. We strive to work from an explicit anti oppressive, pro-choice, queer positive & trans positive framework." (AQSAzine offfical website)

To me AQSAzine is being able to share myself with the world, and not feel bad about it, to say and do things that I want. For me AQSAzine means being the person I wanted to be when everyone was telling me NOT to be that person. I could go on and on about how wonder and amazing AQSAzine is and all the great work they do but I just couldn't summarize their awesomeness and epicness because it's endless.

Just because I'm not involved on campus activity doesn't mean I'm not involved.
I take every chance I get to be involved in my community. This first semester I just wanna get the hang of things and find my place. It's like starting high school all over again, except more homework and less of.... that.

My goals for NEXT semester:
-Join ONE club
-Attend one on campus activity
-Sell all my old textbooks (TUSBE!)
-Volunteer on campus

Good luck and Good Night!


  1. Your blogs are so down to earth and real :)

  2. Can others join the AQSA zine? S/P
    Let me know, thanks :)


Thank you for your comment! Don't forget to join and FOLLOW our blog. :)