Monday, November 28, 2011

Exams Schmexams! Looking on the brighter side of exam season :)

Hello blogosphere! Ranziba here, blogging to you from the dead of night (no, I'm not a vampire, just a regular student pulling an all-nighter), and hoping your Monday goes smoothly!

So my party people... are you getting excited yet?

You're asking me, about what? You're asking me, why should we be excited that exams are coming up? And you're asking me why I'm talking to myself? Well, the answer to all those questions is just one big (slightly creepy) smile.

Yes, yes, I know I might sound like a loony. But I'm a loony that's excited about exams coming my way. I know everyone is busy with exams and no one has time for more reading, so I'll make this one short and sweet folks. Literally!

I, like all of you, am pretty much dead from sleep deprivation, homework overload and hours of reading. BUT, I, unlike most of you (or at least I'm guessing) am also super duper excited to write those exams. Why? One word: freedom.

Imagine this: You're on a beach somewhere, with the calm summer breeze caressing your face and a cold drink in your hand. You're staring out at the ocean without a worry in your mind and ...well if you're actually seeing this vision, chances are that you've fallen asleep at your study carrol. But this could be you in just a few short weeks (wow did I just sound like a Bowflex ad?).

Once exams are done and dusted, you will have plenty of time to turn your dreams into a reality. The university closes for the Winter Break on Dec. 21st. and most of you lucky people will be done your exams by then and well on your way to your personal paradise - wherever that may be!

So in the spirit of positive thinking, I made a list of things to look forward to after exams:

-the holidays (presents, relation, warmth and food... does it get any better?)
-sleep all day
-no lectures, no tutorials, no assignments
-seeing your family (the jury is still out on this one)
-getting to hangout with friends
-curling up in bed and catching up on TV/movies
-seeing daylight (might not happen if you overdo the previous list item)
-having time to explore our beautiful city
-traveling out of the city, province, country
-no more concrete.. at least for a while!

So in this last week of classes and the next few weeks of torture, remember to look on the positive side of things, the light at the end of the tunnel the cake after the workout. And know that we're all in the same boat (headed towards graduationl). Also, in a few short weeks, the whole thing will start all over again. So cherish your time before you have to run in the crazy rat race that is life... or less cheesily, before you're back to being your regular ol' nocturnal, caffeine junkie of a U of T student!

In the meantime, take a study break and let me know in the comments below if you have things you're excited about doing after exams! Tweet me with your winter break plans @rantothezebra.

Until then, best of luck with you exams! There will always be a silver lining if you look for it. Happy holidays! :)


  1. Reading this was a nice break from studying. Thanks. However, I am not looking forward to break, I am much more comfortable in study mode. Thus, what I am looking forward to after exams: Semester 2 :D

  2. That's so interesting Peter! Never met one quite like you :) I guess I'll wish you a happy exam season then! Have a good one and thanks for the comment!


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