Friday, December 2, 2011

Too Much Studying!!! ARRGGHHH!

Last day of classes has come and gone. Friday is here and as usual, the library is packed with studying students, willing to come to school on a winter day because for some reason it is too noisy and distracting to study at home. Exam week has officially started, and every single UTSC student is either studying or cramming for their exams.

The wierd thing is, I am not one of these people, crammers I mean. I don't like to study too much or overwhelm myself with last minute studying. Let me get one thing straight with you guys. I LOVE TO SLEEP. Unlike our Wednesday blogger E.A.P., I am not an insomniac. I am what you call a hypersomniac. If you are sleepy and drink coffee to keep yourself awake in order to studying, you end up wasting time and energy doing POOR studying because not all your senses are alert. I would much rather sleep early, get a good night's rest, wake up great in the morning, and be more productive. You can do this too, if you follow my 3 steps to STUDY SUCCESS. Follow the 3 P's. Plan, Prioritize, and Play.

      First thing's first -Plan.  University is all about good time management. 
You have to plan accordingly before starting to study.
Next to Prioritize, now this step is easy for me because I like to stay organized. Basically, you need to check when your exams are, the day and time. Please-- make sure you know the ROOM FOR YOUR EXAM!  Once you know the order of your exams, begin to study in that order.
The last step is to Play. Now this step might be a little surprising to most because finals are just around the corner, but trust me, a well deserved break from studying is just what some of our exam crammers need. It's no good to study for 3 hours straight without taking a break in between, after every hour or so, stretch and every 3 hours, make sure you eat and drink to keep hydrated, because our brain works the best when our stomach is happy and full. 

Let me give you guys an example, on Wednesday I did some stress studying relief by playing video games. Shout-out goes to the club "VGS" for keeping the tradition of "Child's Play" alive, bringing out video games, and controllers on Nov 30th. This is just one example have how to "take a break" I suppose.

So, there you are guys, some tips on how to study smarter, not harder. And if you still need an extra boost, check the Intranet study sessions available on our campus.  Happy studying, and see you guys later!

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